• Define Objectives and Requirements
    Assess business needs and goals.
    Determine the specific use cases for the cloud.
  • Choose Cloud Model
    Decide between public, private, or hybrid cloud based on your requirements.
    Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of each model.
  • Select Cloud Provider
    Research and choose a reliable cloud service provider (e.g., AWS, Azure, Google Cloud for public cloud; VMware, OpenStack for private cloud).
  • Plan Architecture
    Design a scalable and resilient cloud architecture.
    Consider aspects like network topology, storage solutions, and compute resources.
  • Security and Compliance
    Implement robust security measures, including encryption, firewalls, and access controls.
    Ensure compliance with relevant regulations and industry standards.
  • Network Configuration
    Set up networking components, including VPCs, subnets, VPNs, and load balancers.
    Ensure reliable and secure connectivity.
  • Provision and Deploy Resources
    Allocate virtual machines, storage, and other resources as needed.
    Deploy applications and services on the cloud infrastructure.
  • Automation and Management
    Use automation tools for deployment, scaling, and management.
    Implement monitoring and alerting systems for proactive management.
  • Data Migration
    Plan and execute the migration of data and applications to the cloud.
    Ensure data integrity and minimal downtime during the migration process.
  • Backup and Disaster Recovery
    Establish backup and disaster recovery plans to protect data and ensure business continuity.
    Regularly test and update these plans.
  • Optimize and Scale
    Continuously monitor performance and optimize resources.
    Scale infrastructure based on demand and usage patterns.
  • Monitoring & Notifications
    Setup Monitoring systems for telemetry and applications basis on KPI.
    Set threshold and Notifications over multiple mediums like SMS, email, Call, chat and initiate Incident Response.


Our Approach

  • Discovery, Assessment and Recommendations.
  • TCO analysis for Migration.
  • Techstack fitment to Available Cloud options.
  • Baremetal/VMWare/Nutanix Private Cloud.
  • Hyperscalers - AWS / Azure / GCP.

We Specialise In

  • Creating Hybrid Cloud.
  • Lift and Shift Migrations.
  • Modernise and Migrate.
  • Migrate and Modernise.
  • Data Pipeline Migrations.
  • Database Migrations.
  • PaaS to Self Managed Migrations.



  • Understanding Business, its expectations and CSF.
  • Analysis and Study of Architecture, Infra and Cost.
  • Establishing control, Visibility and FinOps Culture.


  • Auto Scale-out and scale-in.
  • Data Lifecycle management.
  • Event based scale-out.
  • Moving to Self Managed.

Idle Resource Handling

  • Idle resources - CPU, RAM, Disk, Instances.
  • Upgrade Instance Types for better cost & efficiency.
  • Adoption of spot instances.
  • Auto Shut Staging/Dev.



  • Involves moving applications to the cloud with little to no changes to the existing code.
  • Applications continue to operate as they did on-premises, providing a consistent experience for users.


  • Involves rewriting parts of the application to optimize performance, scalability, and maintainability.
  • Refactoring can enable better integration with modern development practices, such as continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD).


  • Involves fundamentally redesigning the application's architecture to leverage cloud-native features fully.
  • By rearchitecting, applications become more modular and flexible, making it easier to integrate new technologies and features.


  • Allows developers to create the application entirely using cloud-native technologies and services from the ground up.
  • Enables innovation and incorporation of the latest technology trends, resulting in more efficient, secure, and user-friendly applications while addressing legacy limitations and technical debt.


  • End-to-End Platform Setup
  • Landing zone setup
  • CI/CD Setup
  • Automation
  • Infra as Code and AutoScaling
  • Monitoring and Feedback
  • Incorporate Collaboration tool
  • SSO at Application
  • Console and VM level


  • Static App Security Testing
  • Dynamic App Security Testing
  • API Security Testing
  • Run-time Application Security
  • Protection
  • Password Leaks and OSINT Scan


  • End to end Monitoring and alerting set-up.
  • Tools like Prometheus, Thanos, InfluxDB, Grafana.
  • Expertise on all Exporters of DB, App etc.
  • Migration of Monitoring system from Nagios etc to TimeSeries based systems.
  • Observability/logging on ELK, Loki, Greylog etc.
  • Deployment using IaC.
  • Templatized Monitoring.
  • Customise and Configure Alerts.
  • Integration with Slack, Hangout etc.
  • Escalation Paths.
  • Insights on events.
  • NOC to NoNOC.


  • Design and architecture of Datapipeline and Datawarehouse / Datalake
  • Data Collection and Ingestion using Kafka / RabbitMQ
  • Data Loading and Integration with Trino/Presto
  • Data Transformation using flink/spark
  • Data Processing and Enrich using Apache Storm/flink and store in object store/blob
  • Datawarehouse on Athena, BiqQuery, Haddoop etc
  • Data Analytics meta store for HBase, Hadoop, Hive
  • Data Visualisation with Superset, Tableau
  • Expertise in OpenSource and Cloud native-like EMR, Dataproc, HDinsight, Kinesis, Eventhub, AzureML etc
  • Scalability and Performance
  • Error Handling and Retry Mechanisms


  • Design, Install, Configure, High Availability, Clustering, Performance fine-tuning, Back-up and Restore, Hardening, Encryption, KPI Monitoring, Alerting and Visualisation.
  • Migrations - Strategise, Analyse, Recommendation and Architect.
  • Tools like DMS, ADF, Riot, ZDM, CDM Validator.
  • K8s based DB Deployments.
  • Experience on Migration for
    1. Redis - 25Tb from Elasticache to Selfmanaged.
    2. Dynamo to Cassandra with 15Tb size.
    3. RDS to Self Manages MySQL/Postgres with 17Tb size Many more.....